QED installed flow measurement equipment at their Tidal Test Site a short distance offshore from Yarmouth Harbour. This will provide the Basis Of Design for their Subhub Industrial Design (SH-ID 1.25MW device) and validate their claims of large gains in energy yield from their Subhub/Tocardo Community (200kW) tidal platform.
The task to install flow measurement was developed alongside EMEC and the marine contractors Cowes Harbour Services (CHS) using their multicat Seaclear. CHS produced the method statement for the deployment and calculations on the mooring and recovery system for the flow measurement equipment.
EMEC supplied the ADCP flow measurement equipment and seabed mounted frame. They also spent most of the day before setting up the systems which is due to collate vital flow measurement and turbulence data used in the detailed design of QED’s Subhub-ID.

The marker buoys and measurement equipment were deployed on the flood tide at neaps on the 7th April. The system will be in place for at least 90 days, in accordance with IEC standards, to accurately define the tidal harmonic constants used predict the yield from the tidal device. EMEC will provide this information to QED so they can run it through their design tools set called Tidal and Wave Energy Evaluation Tool or TWEET for short.
The ADCP flow measurement equipment will accurately define the “tidal shear profile” and inlet condition to QED’s Subhub-Community demonstrator which is soon to be moved to a refit yard in Pembroke from Norther Ireland. It will then be deployed to Southampton to integrate the Tocardo T1 tidal turbines, Subsea Power Control Units and fully commissioned and tested at the quayside prior to deployment to the Yarmouth tidal test site for long term performance trials.
These long term trials will validate the company’s claims that their Subhub technology provides a step change in the costs of installation, retrieval and maintenance of tidal turbines. It will also demonstrate the large performance gains to be made by using their patented hydrodynamic hull form.
If you have any questions please email us at enquiry@qednaval.co.uk and use the post title above as the subject line.
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