QED Naval have established an operations base in Pembroke Dock, South Wales, care of Mainstay Marine Solutions, as part of a long term strategy to establish supply chain links and a business case to develop tidal farms in Wales serving both coastal communities, through the generation of hydrogen, which will penetrate deeply into the rural economy, and also generate utility scale power to the grid at MORLAIS.
This move opens up the possibility to collaborate with the Marine Energy Engineering Centre of Excellence (MEECE, the Welsh of the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult). MEECE will be completing the assessment of Tocardo’s new Subsea Power Control Units (SPCUs) which enables their turbines to be connected directly to the grid from a remote offshore location without the need for onshore power conversion. This is a big step towards invisible power that is discreet and cares for the environment, the natural seascapes and access to navigational channels.
Also, to assist in QED’s engagement with stakeholders, regulators, local supply chain and communities in Wales, we are delighted to announce our membership of Marine Energy Wales. Further collaboration is expected with Marine Energy Wales (MEW) at their Marine Energy Test Centres (META) which will help QED rigorously test their new SPCUs.