This week our team will be working on the integration of the Tocardo T1 tidal turbines into our Subhub tidal platform. The first stage was to attach the turbine blades. This is slightly awkward given that the blade has to be rotated to the correct pitch to slot into the associated flange piece and means the slinging arrangement of the blades needs to be exactly right. A specialist frame will be developed to aid the fitting process at the quayside.
Once all the blades are fitted to the turbines, they are carefully slung using a principal sling around the Centre of Gravity (COG) of the turbine. A rear guidance sling is added to allow pitch control of the whole turbines which makes fitting to the transition pieces straight forward. The transition pieces of the new Crossbeam structure have been specially developed for the T1 turbines and have now proven themselves with the T1 turbine the aid of a shore based crane. There is nothing to suggest that this can’t be done afloat in sheltered water.
The Crossbeam, transition pieces and seat structure on the Subhub’s top deck have all been design to DNV GL Class standards so will provide a 20 year life span for the support structure and turbines.

Tocardo T1 turbine fitted to the new Crossbeam support structure of Subhub.